Where is the G spot, and how does it feel?

Orgasms can help reduce stress, improve your skin, and make you feel, well, great. However, for many women, orgasms — especially those achieved through penetration — can be just as elusive as the mysterious G spot. It's relatively uncommon for women to orgasm through intercourse alone. In fact, according to a 2017 study, only about 18 percent of women achieve orgasm through penetration alone — meaning no hands, mouth, or toys needed. More often than not, clitoral stimulation is required, or at least beneficial, when it comes to orgasming during sex.

However, even if you haven't experienced a vaginal orgasm, that doesn't mean it's impossible. Some believe that the G spot may be the key to women achieving orgasm during penetration. But some researchers trusted Source believe that vaginal orgasms don't even exist, so it can be challenging to separate fact from fiction. Check out out our MagicMen adult shop page which has everything adult shop related that you might need..

Admittedly, it's a controversial topic. Plenty of people claim that stimulating this erogenous zone inside a woman's vagina can trigger uniquely pleasurable sensations and lead to incredible orgasms; others say the G-spot is a mythical invention perpetuated by the media, that simply doesn't exist.

One certain thing is that no female has anything to lose by exploring her body – both alone and with a partner – and finding out whether playing with this particular place feels right for her. Whatever you personally discover, searching for the G-spot should be a whole lot of fun for everyone involved… and potentially the most rewarding treasure hunt you've ever gone on! Durex's complete 101 guides will help you become a G-spot genius in no time.

Unlike the clitoris, the G-spot seems like an elusive piece of the vagina. Because we can't see it and some women and their partners struggle to find it, the existence of it has been questioned throughout history. But the truth is the G-spot does exist. Also known as the "Gräfenberg spot" after the gynecologist who discovered it, you just need to practice figuring out exactly where it is and how to use it. Even if you've never experienced a vaginal orgasm thanks to your G-spot, it's in there. Trust me. Check out out our Buy online vibrator page which has everything adult shop related that you might need.

A quick Google search of the G-spot will bring up just as many men's sites as women's sites instructing men on how to find it. The G-spot has become synonymous with uncovering some sort of special prize because locating it and stimulating it is like hitting the jackpot. When it's touched precisely right, it not only produces pleasure of extreme intensity but is also thought to be the button, so to speak, that releases female ejaculation.

The G-spot is a bundle of nerves located about one to three inches into your vagina along the inner wall, the wall toward your stomach, not your back. It's in between your pubic bone and the front of your cervix and is thought to be part of the female prostate. When you do touch it, you can't be mistaken; you'll definitely feel something going on down there. But because it's easier said than done, let's take you to step by step. Check out out our Adult dildo shop page which has everything adult shop related that you might need.

The G-spot is probably the most talked-about aspect of sexual relations as it is believed to be able to produce potent female orgasms. Yet, it remains elusive to many. The evidence is a bit mysterious because the "spot" doesn't appear to be a distinct structure, but, instead, a cluster of nerves and tissue that engorges or changes in sensation when aroused. And not all women feel it. Some women feel extreme pleasure when the spot is stimulated, but others not a thing.

Few parts of the female sexual anatomy have been as widely debated as the G-spot. Until fairly recently, experts weren't even in agreement on whether or not it existed. As of now, the female G-spot isn't believed to be a separate sex organ, but rather, an area linked to the clitoris. So, what do G-spot orgasms feel like and how do you know if you've had one? Well, the answer might not be the same for everyone. "The G-spot isn't a distinct organ, but an area of the body that is associated with the release of fluids," wrote Jess O'Reilly, Ph.D., host of the @SexWithDrJess podcast, on her blog.

What is the G spot?

You've probably heard of the G spot, along with how it's the "key" to achieving an earth-shattering vaginal orgasm. But is it real? Honestly, it's complicated.

Known as the Gräfenberg spot, the G spot was introduced by Dr. Beverly Whipple after she discovered that using a "come here" motion along the inside of the vagina produced a physical response in women. She believed that this region could be the key to women achieving orgasm during sex. Check out out our Adult lube shop page which has everything adult shop related that you might need.

However, it's important to clarify that the G spot isn't actually a distinct part of your anatomy. In fact, in a 2017 study, researchers attempted to find the G spot only to come up empty-handed.

Instead of being its own separate spot in your vagina, the G spot is part of your clitoral network. This means that when you're stimulating the G spot, you're actually stimulating part of the clitoris, which is much larger than we're led to believe. It turns out, the pea-sized nub where the inner labia meet is actually only the tip of the clitoris and divides into two "roots" that can be about four inches long.

Plus, this region can vary from woman to woman, which explains why it can often be challenging to locate. However, once it's stimulated, the G spot can cause female ejaculation (yes, it's real) and help women reach vaginal orgasm.

The G-spot is named after a German gynaecologist called Ernst Gräfenberg, who was one of the first doctors to describe the area in 1950 (although it was also reported on as far back as the 17th century by a Dutch physician).

Theoretically, the G-spot is a patch of flesh about the size of a 10 pence piece, located around 2-3 inches up inside the vagina on the front of the vaginal wall (the part closest to the stomach). Some women report that the tissue here feels different to the surrounding area – a little thicker, ridged, or slightly rougher to the touch – and that it plumps up when rubbed or when they're aroused.

Various scientific studies have been conducted over the decades to try to determine what the G-spot really is, and what its function is. Some research suggests that it is part of the 'urethral sponge': a plump cushion of tissue surrounding the female urethra (or 'pee pipe', in layman's terms) that becomes swollen with blood when a woman is turned on, squeezing the pipe to prevent her from accidentally urinating during sex. Other recent investigations propose that the G-spot is actually incorporated within a much larger structure called the 'clitourethrovaginal complex' – or 'CUV' for short; these studies argue that the clitoris isn't just a little 'nub' on the outside of the body, but in fact has internal 'branches' or 'bulbs' that extend down inside the walls of the vagina, and that it is these that can make the G-spot area feel extra sensitive. Perhaps the 'G' in 'G-spot' should stand for 'we're still G-uessing'!

Debate continues amongst scientists and specialists about the G-spot's true identity and purpose. However, whatever the truth is behind this mysterious 'magic button', it is inevitable that stimulating that point on the vaginal wall can have a significant, brilliant, blissful impact on many women. A large number say that pressing and caressing it feels intensely delicious and can bring them to climax, sometimes in a way that feels 'deeper' and different to an orgasm obtained by stimulating the clitoris alone. Others swear that G-spot stimulation can trigger female ejaculation – itself a hotly contested subject, but an act that involves fluid being expelled from the genital area; in some cases just a few drops, in others a more dramatic 'squirt' or 'gush'.

There also are women who state that stroking the G-spot makes them feel as though they're going to wee, although sometimes 'pushing through' that initial sensation ends up with them orgasming. As with so much to do with sex and private parts, everyone is different. If G-spot stimulation does it for you, then that's A-OK; and if it doesn't, no sweat. It's all about enjoying the exploration.

Is the G-spot real, or just an idea cooked up by a woman to make things more challenging for men? Well, conventional wisdom indicates that it does exist in some women but not in others and that the sensitivity varies for every woman.

The G-spot is an area located about one to two inches inside the vagina on the front wall (the "front" wall is the wall of the vagina on the same side as the belly button). The area consists of the bean-shaped spongy tissue of the paraurethral gland – it is to women what the prostate is to men.

When a woman is not sexually aroused, the actual area is no bigger than a pea, but once she is excited, it increases to the size of a small coin. This is because the G-spot is composed of erectile tissue and swells up when blood rushes to it.

It feels rougher to the touch than the surrounding tissue, rather like a walnut compared to the smooth, silky wall of the vagina.

It was named after a gynaecologist called Dr Ernst Gräfenberg, who first described the G-spot in the 1940s.

Few parts of the female body have been debated, explored, and pursued—by men and women—as much as the elusive G-spot. Some experts describe the G-spot as an area of increased sensitivity and erotic pleasure located in the vagina, while others deny its existence entirely.

First, a little background. The G-spot gets its name from one of the first doctors to describe it in medical literature, Ernst Gräfenberg—a German physician and scientist who also studied women's orgasms and developed an early version of today's intrauterine device (IUD).

In 1950, Gräfenberg wrote about "an erotic zone [that] could be demonstrated on the anterior wall of the vagina along the course of the urethra," and that "the finger more easily stimulated this particular area than the other areas of the vagina." It wasn't until the 1980s, however, that other researchers bestowed his name to the now-famous spot.

Gräfenberg wasn't the first to write about this erogenous zone, though. Similar mentions date all the way back to 11th century India, according to a 2012 review in the Journal of Sexual Health.

To get up to date on all things G, Health dug deep into the research and spoke with Jennifer Berman, MD, a urologist and female sexual medicine specialist at Berman Women's Wellness Center in Beverly Hills. Here's what we learned about what the G-spot really is and you can find it and enjoy it.

Where is the G-spot?

There's a small area called the Grafenberg spot, or G-spot, inside the vagina. It's located about an inch or so inside the vaginal opening on the upper vaginal wall — closest to the belly button. The G-spot is sexually sensitive and swells slightly during arousal and feels raised or bumpy.

Although all women have this tissue, some like their G-spots to be stimulated and others don't. And many notice no difference in sensation one way or the other. Many women have orgasms and about 10 percent ejaculate when their G-spots are stimulated.

The G-spot can be found along the inner, front wall of the vagina—the top wall if a woman is laying on her back. "It's a few inches up, about a third of the way, although it varies from person to person," says Dr. Berman.

"Every woman is built relatively the same," she adds, "but our anatomies can be different depending on our age, how many babies we've had, and our genetics." For some women, the G-spot is a bit higher, while for others, it may be closer to the vaginal opening.

A woman may be able to feel out her own G-spot by hand, says Dr. Berman, by exploring the upper, inner wall of her vagina with a finger or two. "It feels a bit rougher, kind of like an orange peel," she says, "and sometimes it can be pulled back in the fold, so you might have to fish around a bit."

If you're on the hunt for your G-spot and then start to feel uncomfortable stroking or pressing on the anterior wall, or you suddenly feel an urgent need to urinate, don't panic; it's actually healthy. Meanwhile, some women touching this area won't feel anything at all. "But for many women, in the context of sexual relations, it's extremely pleasurable," she says.

The G-spot may be easier to pinpoint with erotic toys that are angled upward and designed to (literally) hit the spot. Certain sexual positions, like having a woman on top at a 45-degree angle, can also help. "It can be hard to reach it yourself, so I would encourage women to also experiment with toys and with their partners," says Dr. Berman.

The G-spot is on the roof of the vagina at about 12 o'clock when the woman is lying on her back. It is about 2.5-3 inches in the vagina, directly below her urethra. The angle for self-exploration is essentially backwards for the woman, so the location makes it nearly impossible to discover the spot with her own fingers.

So how does one find this mysterious spot? The most commonly recommended method is to insert the forefinger and crook it into a "come here" motion towards the front vaginal wall, sliding your fingertip along the top of the vagina until you find an area that is rougher than the rest of that vaginal wall.

Foreplay is important because a woman will be more sensitive if she is already sexually aroused. Experiment with the pressure and length of the stroke to find out what feels best.

Some women do not enjoy manual stimulation of the G-spot but may enjoy penile stimulation during intercourse. It helps if the man's penis has a natural upward bend and can make contact with the G-spot, but different positions may also work, such as the "woman on top" or the posterior position, or raising the woman's pelvis.

It's quite likely that you will not be able to find the G-spot on your first try. Women should not be shy to tell their partners what they are feeling during stimulation, and what feels particularly sensitive.

The first step is to insert your fingers (or your partner's fingers) into your vagina. You want to touch the inside of your vaginal wall about two inches into the vaginal cavity. Think about it like you're trying to massage the inside of your belly button and do so in a "come hither" motion with your fingertip. You will find that amongst the soft tissue will be a "rough patch." According to sexuality educator and author, Yvonne K. Fulbright, the patch will be "as small as your pinky fingernail or as large as a half-dollar."

If you're adequately turned on, your entire vaginal area will be engorged in blood. This makes for finding your G-spot much more comfortable because, among that rough patch, you'll be able to feel a bean-shaped bundle of nerves. You'll know you've found at least something down there when you just don't want to stop playing with it.

What does it feel like?

Different women have described different sensations with stimulation of the G-spot. Some women say that the first sensation is similar to the need to urinate – this is possible because the G-spot is on the front wall, therefore pushing against the bladder.

However, when you become comfortable with it, you may be fortunate enough to experience a powerful orgasm, or even multiple orgasms if the G-spot is stimulated repetitively.

Some women even claim to ejaculate when their G-spot is stimulated. Research shows that approximately 10% of women release between 9ml and 900ml of fluid from the urethra during such an orgasm.

According to sexual experts, the best way to work the G-spot is to tap it, as if pushing a button. While circular motions help, too, applying pressure, which will be different for every woman, will really stimulate the G-spot and have you saying, "OMG," over and over again.

Although the pleasure that comes from touching your G-spot is different for every woman, just as is the case with touching the clitoris, according to Dr. Fulbright, many women experience a "warm, flushing feeling throughout their genitals and body." Either way, you know you've found your G-spot when you're feeling sensations from touching that inner wall of the vagina.

Not every woman is going to orgasm from her G-spot. So, if you don't have an orgasm after stimulating the area, there's NOTHING wrong with you. Most women, a whopping 75 percent, need clitoral stimulation to orgasm, so if you can make yourself come via your G-spot then consider yourself very lucky. It's also not likely you're going to have mind-blowing orgasms during your first experience stimulating it, because, as it is with everything, it takes practice. You're going to have to experiment with pressure, stimulation techniques, and angles to see which method is best for you.

Your partner can try to find your G-spot using their hands or a vibrator, as well. In essence, the same rules apply about using that 'beckoning' gesture, paying attention to tissue texture and experimenting with the speed, pressure and motion of their touch. You could simply lay on your back while they play with you, or give a 'doggy style' position a whirl: crouching on all fours while your lover inserts a lubricated finger or toy from behind allows them to easily press forwards and down on that first stretch of the vaginal wall. You may well find yourself crying out "O-M-G-spot!".

As ever, communication is critical: you shouldn't be afraid to tell your lover if you want them to massage you faster, slower, more softly, or with more intensity. Try encouraging them by combining your requests with some positive feedback, so they don't feel too disheartened by criticism, e.g. "Ooh, I love that – when you touch me really lightly it's amazing!' Both of you should try not to get too frustrated if finding the G-spot is causing a spot of bother; as discussed, this region works differently for different women, and some will naturally find it more mind-blowing than others. The best sex is the sex that works for you, so if you're both having a good time, consider your mission a success!

It's also possible to stimulate the G-spot during penetration. Using ribbed condoms such as Durex Pleasure Me or Durex Mutual Climax can help, as can sex positions like the easy-peasy 'Raised Missionary': this is just like standard man-on-top missionary sex, except the woman places a pillow beneath her hips or bottom to tilt her pelvis upwards, meaning his penis rubs against that key area… like Aladdin summoning the genie from his enchanted lamp! Sex from behind tends to hit the G-spot well too, especially if she drops the front of her body low while keeping her bottom high in the air. If the woman is on top, facing her lover – the 'Cowgirl' position – she may well discover sensational G-spot stimulation if she leans backwards (not too far though, as this can bend his shaft uncomfortably).

One final piece of good news: there is some evidence to suggest that as women get older and their levels of the sex hormone oestrogen begin to drop (usually in their 30s), the G-spot becomes more sensitive. So, even if it takes you years to find, the G-spot could feel even better when you finally discover it!

If you're hoping to experience G spot stimulation during sexual intercourse, certain sex positions work best. Try places that allow you a little more control over your movements so you can figure out what types of stimulation you enjoy most. While many sex positions can help you achieve this, here are three to try.


Have your partner lay on their back, then climb on top and straddle them. This position allows you complete control over the rhythm, depth, and angle of penetration so you can focus on finding your G spot.

Instead of bobbing up and down, try moving back and forth to stimulate the G spot region against your inner vaginal wall. Mixing it up can help as well, so don't be afraid to experiment with different speeds and angles.

Doggy style

Doggy style is another great way to achieve deeper penetration during sex. It's easy to vary the angle to hit your G spot.

Start on your hands and knees with your partner behind you. During penetration, try leaning down on your forearms or pushing your hips backward to change the angle until you find the position that works best for you. If you'd like, you can try a different variation by lying flat on your stomach with your legs hanging off the edge of the bed, allowing your partner to stand behind you and penetrate from there.

Closed missionary position

A variation on the classic missionary position, this position allows for greater stimulation without the depth of penetration. You'll start off on your back in missionary position before moving your legs together. Then, your partner's legs should straddle yours, allowing a tighter squeeze. While this shallow penetration that might not hit as deep, it does create a tighter feeling — and more increased friction against your G spot — which might be the perfect way to help you reach orgasm.

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