Does the G spot really work?
May 11, 2020It is perhaps one of the most controversial debates in sexual function: is there or isn't there a G-spot? And if there is, how do we find it? The G-spot is a purported highly erogenous area of the vagina that, when stimulated, may lead to strong sexual arousal and orgasm. Although the concept of vaginal orgasms has been around since the 17th century, the term G-spot wasn't coined until the 1980s. The G-spot is named after Eric Grafenberg, a German gynaecologist, whose 1940s research documented this sensitive region within the vagina in some women.
The controversy surrounding the G-spot comes about because there is no consensus over just what the G-spot is. While some women can orgasm through stimulation of the G-spot, others find it incredibly uncomfortable. Check out out our MagicMen adult shop page which has everything adult shop related that you might need..
Some people swear they've found it, while others swear it doesn't exist. We're not talking about the ancient Lost City of Gold or the Holy Grail, but researchers and everyday folks alike have been arguably just as fascinated with tracking it down. It's a woman's G-spot.
But a new study that delved through 60 years worth of research has once-and-for-all showed that you need not look any further to find a woman's G-spot. Because the G-spot doesn't actually exist, the study found.
"Without a doubt, a discreet anatomic entity called the G-spot does not exist," study author Dr. Amichai Kilchevsky, a urology resident at Yale-New Haven Hospital in Connecticut, told MyHealthNewsDaily. Kilchevsky's study is published in the Jan. 12 issues of the Journal of Sexual Medicine. The infamous G-spot was named for German gynecologist Ernst Grafenberg, who in 1950 wrote, "An erotic zone always could be demonstrated on the anterior wall of the vaginal along the course of the urethra." Sex researchers Dr. John Perry and Dr. Beverly Whipple dubbed this area the G-spot in 1981 when they replicated Grafenberg's findings in their own research.
For the new study, Kilchevsky and colleagues reviewed 29 studies, which included surveys, vaginal tissue biopsies, nerve studies, ultrasounds - you name it - and did not find any anatomical structure on the vagina's anterior wall where the G-spot supposedly resides - the wall that would face a person's belly.
The researchers couldn't find more nerves in this area or any indication of a physical structure they deemed conclusive. What did the researchers find? The surveys showed that a majority of women believed in the existence of a G-spot, including those who said they've never located it.
But not so fast - one study in the review raised the possibility of an erogenous zone in women, according to Kilchevsky . A brain scan study of women in an fMRI machine found that the brain showed increased activity from stimulation of the anterior vaginal area in which the G-spot purportedly resides in regions of the brain different from other types of stimulation.
In 1950, German gynecologist Ernst Gräfenberg described a distinct erotic region on the inner upper wall of the vagina. Since that time, the G-spot has remained the subject of scientific and sexual controversy. Some females report experiencing immense pleasure from the stimulation of this spot. However, others have reported frustration from their inability to find it, or from the belief that they do not have a G-spot. Finding the G-spot can increase some females' sexual pleasure and give couples a fun sexual challenge to pursue. However, it is essential to note that people who cannot find the G-spot or who do not want to try to find it can still enjoy gratifying and pleasurable sex. Check out out our Buy online vibrator page which has everything adult shop related that you might need.
What is the G-spot?
The G-spot, also known as the Gräfenberg area or Gräfenberg spot, is an erogenous zone inside of the vagina. An erogenous zone is an area of the body that is sensitive to sexual stimulation.
Some people report that the stimulation of this area causes them either to ejaculate or to produce much more lubrication than usual. Others say that it offers a more intense orgasm, or makes it possible to orgasm from vaginal penetration. Check out out our Adult dildo shop page which has everything adult shop related that you might need.
People's responses to G-spot stimulation vary. Some females cannot find the G-spot, or do not believe that they have one. Others find stimulation of the area painful or unpleasant.
Some report that the G-spot offers a different form of intense pleasure that they do not get from other forms of stimulation.
We still aren't certain if it's a distinct part of the female genital anatomy. Seventy-eight years ago last month, German gynecologist Ernest Grafenberg published a paper describing an "erotic zone" on the front wall of the vagina that, when stimulated, can lead to intense orgasms, sometimes accompanied by ejaculation. In the 1980s, this area has formally dubbed the G-spot in honor of Grafenberg's discovery. Since then, the concept of the G-spot has really taken off in popular culture.
The G-spot has become so well known that most people take for granted that it's a distinct part of female genital anatomy. This includes many physicians, some of whom are even offering G-spot amplification procedures like the so-called "G-spot shot," which they claim can make stimulation of this area even more pleasurable.
Among sex researchers, however, the concept of the G-spot has been a raging controversy for decades. They can't seem to agree on whether it even exists, let alone whether it can be amplified. Some scientists have argued that the G-spot is indeed a thing, claiming to have found physical proof. By contrast, others have argued that the accumulated evidence is, at best, inconclusive. In light of this, some researchers have referred to the G-spot as a "gynecological UFO," by which they mean there have been many sightings, but its existence is not yet confirmed. Check out out our Adult lube shop page which has everything adult shop related that you might need.
A new study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine aimed to put this controversy to rest by providing one of the most thorough anatomic explorations of the G-spot to date. Their conclusions suggest that we may need to start thinking differently about what the G-spot really is.
In this study, a team of researchers and physicians performed dissections of the front wall of the vagina (the area where the G-spot is thought to exist) in 13 female cadavers. I know you might be thinking that 13 doesn't sound like that many, but this is actually one of the most significant post-mortem studies to date in this area. It's a vast improvement over previous studies of the G-spot that made bold claims based on the dissection of a single cadaver.
I'll spare you the specifics (and photos) of the dissection process (check out the full article if you want all the gory details), but what they basically did was perform a painstaking search for a structure in the genital region that corresponds to the G-spot. What they found was that, across all 13 corpses, there was no evidence of any such anatomic structure, at least not one that was visible to the naked eye.
So does this mean that we should abandon the concept of the G-spot altogether? Not necessarily. While it's true that the researchers leading this study didn't see a structure consistent with the G-spot, a microscopic analysis of the tissues in that area is needed to confirm its absence. In other words, the next step would be a follow-up study to rule out the possibility that the G-spot can only be seen under high magnification.
Where is the G-spot?
The G-spot lies on the anterior wall of the vagina, about 5 to 8 cm above the opening to the vagina. It is easiest to locate if a woman lies on her back and has someone else insert one or two fingers into the vagina with the palm up. Using a 'come here' motion, the tissue surrounding the urethra, called the urethral sponge, will begin to swell.
This swelling area is the G-spot. At first, this touch may make the woman feel as though she needs to urinate, but after a few seconds may turn into a pleasurable sensation. For some women, however, this stimulation remains uncomfortable, no matter how long the stimulation continues.
Different people report slightly different experiences with the G-spot. However, almost all say that they feel the sensation on the inner top wall of the vagina.
The spot is about 2–3 centimetres inside of the vagina. Some people report that the area feels bumpy when they touch it, or that they have to push very hard on the field to feel it.
Others say that they sometimes feel a need to urinate when touching this area, likely because it is under the bladder. As a result, it may be helpful to use the bathroom before searching for the G-spot.
Finding the G-spot requires some trial and error. To improve the odds, people can try the following:
Try different types of stimulation, such as hard, soft, vibrating, or stroking.
Try using a curved sex toy designed for the G-spot.
Change sexual positions for better access to the area.
Apply pressure and stimulation to several different areas on the inside of the vagina. Pay attention to what feels good or different.
Explore the G-spot without a partner. As the area can be sensitive, and stimulation can be intense, it may be easier for a person to find a comfortable rhythm when they have complete control.
While we await those results, this study would seem to give credibility to an alternative theory of the G-spot, which is that—rather than being a distinct part of female anatomy—the G-spot may simply represent the area where the internal portion of the clitoris, the urethra, and the vagina all come together. And when all three of these structures are stimulated at once, perhaps this is what produces the intense orgasms (and sometimes, ejaculation) that have long been associated with the so-called G-spot. Also see MagicMen online shop page which has everything adult shop related that you might need..
Proponents of this theory have suggested that the G-spot is, therefore, better characterised as the clitourethrovaginal complex. While that term may very well be more accurate, it obviously doesn't roll off the tongue as nicely as G-spot, does it?
With all of that said, the fact that we're still debating whether the G-spot does or doesn't exist 78 years after it was first proposed is a sign that female genital anatomy hasn't received nearly enough scientific attention. Here's to hoping "gynecological UFO" is a term we can soon abandon once and for all in the field of sex research.
The G-spot orgasm and female ejaculation. Physiological responses from a G-spot orgasm differ to those responses seen in clitoral orgasms. During clitoral orgasms, the end of the vagina (near the opening) balloons out; however, in G-spot orgasms, the cervix pushes down into the vagina.
Up to 50 percent of women expel various kinds of fluid from their urethra during sexual arousal or sexual intercourse. Studies have shown there are generally three types of fluid that are produced: urine, a dilute form of urine (known as 'squirting'), and female ejaculate.
While some women may expel these fluids during arousal or sex, they are most commonly expelled during orgasm, and particularly through G-spot orgasm. So what is the difference between these fluids?
The release of urine during penetrative sex is usually as a result of stress urinary incontinence. Some women experience no other symptoms of stress urinary incontinence, such as leakage when sneezing, coughing, or laughing, but will leak during sex.
'Squirting' is the leakage of a urine-like substance during orgasm. It is thought to occur because of strong muscle contractions surrounding the bladder during female orgasm.
Female ejaculate, most commonly reported with G-spot orgasm, is a much different substance: women describe the fluid as looking like watered-down fat-free milk and report producing about a teaspoon in volume during orgasm. The contents of female ejaculate have been chemically analysed and found that it closely resembles secretions from the male prostate. This has led to many suspecting that glands are known as the female prostate (formerly Skene's glands) produce this ejaculate.
What could the G-spot be?
The G-spot is not a single, distinct entity. Much debate exists in the research field as to just what the G-spot is, and how it can produce an orgasm. The G-spot is located in the clitourethrovaginal complex – the area where the clitoris, urethra, and vagina all meet up. There are several structures in this complex that could produce pleasurable sensations when stimulated – the G-spot might reflect the stimulation of just one structure, or multiple structures at once. Two structures, in particular, have been hotly debated and stand out as likely candidates for producing G-spot orgasms: the female prostate and the clitoris.
The female prostate lies within the urethral sponge, a cushion of tissue surrounding the urethra. The urethral sponge and female prostate are highly innervated, which may explain their sensitivity when stimulated. The clitoris is more than meets the eye: we now know this organ extends far beyond what is visible externally. Apart from where the urethra and vagina touch, the clitoris somewhat encircles the urethra. Mechanical stimulation of the G-spot may, in fact, be stimulating the internal portion of the clitoris.
Is the G-spot fact or fiction?
The G-spot certainly exists in some women. However, not all women will find the stimulation of the G-spot pleasurable. Just because a woman is not aroused when the G-area is stimulated, this does not mean she is in any way sexually dysfunctional. Sexuality and arousal have clear physiological and psychological links. But, as human beings, we are all made slightly anatomically and physiologically different.
In the same way that what I consider 'blue' may not be the exact same 'blue' you perceive, an orgasm in one woman is not the same as an orgasm in any other woman. It is a unique experience. And although you and I both see blue through our eyes, the complexities of human sexuality and the female reproductive organs mean women may achieve orgasm in multiple ways.
Some women are unable to orgasm in the presence of a partner but have no difficulty with orgasm with masturbation. Some women can orgasm only with clitoral stimulation, while others can orgasm through vaginal stimulation alone. There are reports of women who experience orgasm through the stimulation of the foot, and Grafenberg detailed in his report women who experienced arousal through ear penile penetration (but these reports are yet to be replicated!).
You are not abnormal or strange or dysfunctional if you cannot find your G-spot. Similarly, you are not abnormal or unusual or dysfunctional if you expel fluid during arousal or sex. Sexual arousal, desire, and pleasure are individual: if you are unable to find your G-area, work on finding something that does fulfil your sexual needs.
Harry Potter star, feminist, and all-round superstar Emma Watson supports an excellent website for women wanting to explore their sexuality further. It's called OMGYes and is a great place to explore how different women experience sexual pleasure.
Jane Chalmers, Lecturer in Physiotherapy, Western Sydney University.
Just don't call it a "spot," the study's author, Dr. Barry R. Komisaruk, professor of psychology at Rutgers University, told HealthPop. "It should be called the G-zone or G-area," he said. Komisaruk said the review that debunks the G-spot's existence only focuses on one specific spot, when a lot of the literature says this supposed pleasure center is activated when you put pressure on the vagina's anterior wall. That pressure, he said, is actually pushing on other sensitive structures including the urethra, Skene's gland (also known as the "female prostate"), and clitoris - which Komisaruk says is shaped like a wishbone that has deep legs that straddle the vaginal canal.
"It's not just one spot," Komisaruk says. "It's a confluence of several different genitally sensitive organs." Komisaruk compares the zone to New York City because of its convergence of different structures. "New York is only a spot if you're looking at it from outer space," he told HealthPop. "It's a complex area." Komisaruk says that complexity is highlighted by the fact that some women experience different sensitivities than others when it comes to sex and achieving orgasm. Hence, no individuals are exactly the same.
But for couples who are frustrated in their search for ultimate pleasure, Komisaruk suggests people should just appreciate what they have. "It shouldn't be called a Holy Grail," he said. "People should just get pleasure where they can. Don't look for some ultimate gratification."
For most females, the most sensitive and important erogenous zone is the clitoris. Most females require clitoral stimulation to orgasm. For some, stimulation of the G-spot may indirectly stimulate the clitoris or its roots, which extend into the wall of the vagina.
Some females also enjoy the stimulation of the breasts or nipples or prefer certain types of stimulation on the clitoris or in the vagina. Any part of the body can be an erogenous zone, and every person's response to touch varies. Open communication and a willingness to experiment can help with discovering new erogenous zones and new sources of pleasure.
Tips for a healthy sex
There is no reproductive strategy or style that works for everyone. Instead, healthy sex is about finding what works best for each partner. Open communication during and outside of sex can help improve the experience for everyone.
People interested in finding sexual positions that stimulate the G-spot while maximising the chances of orgasm.
Choose a position that allows penetration from behind. For male-female couples, the male should be behind the female, with the female's hips elevated. Try lying on a few pillows. Female-female couples can try stimulating the G-spot from behind with a dildo, a vibrator, or a curved G-spot stimulator.
Give the female more control over the stimulation. When the female is on top, they can control the direction and intensity of stimulation, making it easier to reach their G-spot.
Use a vibrator or hand to stimulate the female's clitoris during penetrative sex.
Incorporate oral sex. Females whose partners perform oral sex on them are more likely to orgasm. A partner can orally stimulate the female's clitoris while using their fingers to stimulate the G-spot.
The G-spot will likely remain a controversial topic due to the difficulties that come with measuring and interpreting reported experiences of G-spot pleasure.
People interested in exploring the G-spot do not need scientific research to prove that their experiences are valid. Equally, people who cannot find their G-spot do not need to keep searching for it. People can still enjoy pleasurable sex without the G-spot.
Partners should communicate openly, discuss their plans and goals, and then choose the strategies that work best for them.
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